邢唷> CEB欹[ 餜bjbj4.螑螑 MMMMMaaa84aO4111$ %#DM11MMH  MM:V,@1肍+!a(R 0ORi#zi#i#M1"Sk111111Oi#111111111 : Application guidance for the Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar Program (VRS)The Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar Program (VRS) provides opportunities for established scholars to undertake independent advanced research at U.S. universities in the fields of American studies, broadly defined. Ideal candidates are already teaching or researching about some aspect of American Studies in their Chinese academic setting. Fulbright candidates often apply from disciplines in the Social Sciences and Humanities and each field of study must have an extensive American Studies component. The grantees return to China and incorporate what they have learned in America into their Chinese classrooms.The Fulbright VRS program provides the opportunity for the grantees to travel to the U.S. not only for the purpose of academic research, but also to learn more about the country, its people and its culture through direct interaction with Americans in order to better teach about the U.S. upon their return to China. VRS grantees contribute to improved understanding of the U.S. by publishing research results, developing undergraduate and graduate curricula, and expanding faculty expertise within American Studies programs at Chinese institutions. Many VRS grantees establish permanent links with American colleagues, through whom they continue to exchange ideas and information. Program Prerequisites:The main goal of the U.S.-China Fulbright Program is to increase mutual understanding between the United States and China. The proposed research should indicate potential contribution to this goal in a particular field of American Studies.Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of China, must be in good health, and must be able to leave their home institutions for a ten-month period to participate in the program starting from September each year.Applicants should be mid-career or senior faculty members who hold the professional rank of at least associate professor in the field of American Studies. Preference will be given to candidates who are 揂mericanists: those who teach and research about America; its ways, institutions, history, etc. Candidates from universities with centers of American Studies, or courses that cover American Studies, are strongly encouraged to apply.Preference will also be given to applicants who have not previously received Fulbright scholar grants, as well as those who have not extensively studied or worked in the USA. Applicant research will be in the field of American Studies, writ large: Fulbright candidates apply from disciplines in the Social Sciences and Humanities, so they can do research on specific aspects of America. For example, American History, American Government and Politics, U.S. Foreign Policy, American Literature, American Music, Philosophy, Education, Public Administration/Public Policy, Social Work, Public Health, Art History, Sociology and Culture, Theater, Urban planning, Journalism, Law, Environmental Studies, Information Science, etc.It抯 critical to note that applicants must demonstrate that they have a need to do research on the American system and be able to articulate ways they can return and incorporate this into their Chinese classroom setting. Applicants must also be able to articulate how this proposed research contributes to mutual understanding.It抯 critical to note that not all research in Social Science and Humanities is appropriate for a Fulbright grant, as the research must meet an American Studies requirement. In some fields, such as American Literature or American History, almost all research areas will by definition meet the American Studies requirement. But in other fields, such as linguistics, economics, philosophy, information science, etc., only research within these fields that is clearly related to deepening understanding of the United States will qualify. General theoretical studies or investigations of subject matter in these fields that are not specifically related to the United States will not be viewed favorably by the selection panels. Applicants must have good English language skills (especially spoken English) for communication on a professional level in a university environment, including participation in lectures and panel discussions, and to engage in social activities with Americans, an integral part of the exchange experience.Applicants should actively contribute to their field of proposed research through publications and/or participation in local, regional, or international fora. Applicants must be between age 35 and 50.  &OPT^+ @ H Q `  熨熨旗皻僶僶[oGoG[3&h E5丅*CJKHOJQJ^Jph&h"<65丅*CJKHOJQJ^Jph&h!5丅*CJKHOJQJ^Jph&h臱{5丅*CJKHOJQJ^Jph,h#vh臱{5丅*CJKHOJQJ^Jph+h#vh臱{5丅*KHOJQJ\乛Jph+h#vh臱{5丅*KHOJQJ\乛Jph%h"<65丅*KHOJQJ\乛Jph%h臱{5丅*KHOJQJ\乛Jph%h[65丅*KHOJQJ\乛JphOP h i rsRSgd Egd[6 $ & F1$a$gdU $勑1$^勑a$gd臱{ $ & F1$a$gd臱{ $1$a$gd臱{ $ & Fa$gd絟[$a$gd臱{ $勑`勑a$gd!gd絟[$a$gd臱{刪剺1$^刪`剺d臱{$a$gd"<6  ;  h i  r熵炷旖炷╈╈拀gTA4h#vh絟[OJQJ^J%h絟[5丅*KHOJQJ\乛Jph%h臱{5丅*KHOJQJ\乛Jph+h#vh臱{5丅*KHOJQJ\乛Jph)h#vh臱{B*CJKHOJQJ^Jph,h#vh臱{5丅*CJKHOJQJ^Jph&h臱{5丅*CJKHOJQJ^Jph h絟[h絟[&h豊5丅*CJKHOJQJ^Jph&h E5丅*CJKHOJQJ^Jph&h!5丅*CJKHOJQJ^JphrsS !".逡揭獣獋猳猒O?/?/?h<&B*KHOJQJ^Jphh EB*KHOJQJ^Jphh[6B*KHOJQJ^JphhUB*KHOJQJ^Jph%h[6h[6B*KHOJQJ^Jph%h[6h豊B*KHOJQJ^Jph(h[6h臱{B*KHOJQJ^Jo(ph%h[6h臱{B*KHOJQJ^Jph(h<&h臱{>*B*KHOJQJ^Jph%h#vh臱{B*KHOJQJ^Jph3h#vh臱{5丅*CJKHOJQJ\乛JaJph./AN]` #v%Xt镞镞镞线线镞锛霞霞唢瑮則則則劕t瑒瑒t劕劕攥劕hUB*KHOJQJ^Jph%h豊h豊B*KHOJQJ^Jph(h豊h豊5丅*KHOJQJ^Jphh豊B*KHOJQJ^Jph%h<&h<&B*KHOJQJ^Jphh[6B*KHOJQJ^Jphh EB*KHOJQJ^Jphh<&B*KHOJQJ^Jph- 01 :; $1$a$gd臱{ $勑1$^勑a$gd臱{ $ & F1$a$gd $劆1$^劆a$gd $ & F1$a$gd豊gd豊 $ & F1$a$gd臱{ $ & Fa$gdUgd<& $ & F1$a$gd豊 (47 /0BL~GH $<X镘锾锾锾继继餃墱墱墱塿cSc蘡Sh[6B*KHOJQJ^Jph%h#vh臱{B*KHOJQJ^Jph%h#vhB*KHOJQJ^Jph%hhB*KHOJQJ^JphhB*KHOJQJ^Jphh EB*KHOJQJ^Jphh絟[B*KHOJQJ^JphhUB*KHOJQJ^Jph%h豊h豊B*KHOJQJ^Jphh豊B*KHOJQJ^Jph X熨瀑沟钡hh<&hLh臱{OJQJ^J%hLh<&B*KHOJQJ^Jph%hLh臱{B*KHOJQJ^Jph%h#vh臱{B*KHOJQJ^Jph      21恏:p\- 靶/ 班=!"#悹$悹%靶靶 愋j 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ OJPJQJ_HmH nHsH tHD`D 臱{ck噀$CJOJQJ_HaJmH nHsH tH@@@ 臱{h槝 1 $@&a$5CJOJQJ\$A $ 貫祂=刉[SOBiB 0nf恏赝3縗`?/[G殁\!-跼k.搒曰..椃碼婵?PK!ブх6 _rels/.rels剰蟡0 囷吔冄}Q颐%v/C/(h"脎O 劋秣=畫旂 毆免C?薶醰=偵叅%[xp啠{鄣_糚眩<10堎O糝瓸d焉襃E4b$q_槥6L吁R7`畯ㄉ趁0虨O,錏n7擫i鋌〃/鉙綈╡械根铸PK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml 蘉 @醹愘7c(Eb菜CA菭覠圩邈7芜諞K Y, 奺.埛饇,ㄚH,l崆骈x纱逫萻Q}#諓叚递 值+!,較$j=婫W栌)釫+& 8PK!mQtheme/theme/theme1.xml靁MoE#F{oc'vGuh覨盵糟x=逎zvg53Nj廐H垈z饴昛 $石I)*E阓酀欇鮊&IA!裎>秣羌3緓镹男>掤搁U蟇L0斈屵呖z迃rx鳔脅稔h9T8奣/魁煜?鍃Y雒'蟸3S琦棌~蜩鶅O_|w)馉镉圚t=乤+d NG1-Rl苼1諶J鴚T锠疢1Kc柩"o he浪撣幝絇L-憒%绗臙甴Y7'qP.\L姼=岟薲穛炷3I爋fi墸.帽墘BRb-J款P_p蒅 茛▍i㎏鷗郿訉h汧梚櫷o7;7Q嫵2染媱珼>a/銐翾>嶺厌W 藬霱卂膗H剄)薶 胺+:Vi豾4r態裶汐橌"r嫃!帓2l徠a麃C奲此U|嚮!8^顩8>軤仯,A魶壭眲V韙鄨讕厏ls囔14犁_=,涩返o聻TV 跥陲"苎鎎H唼灮'.4熯x薜躻-戏蹺鮸褾;氕衯踯`嘼3"G 'e\昮H柊O 话ㄩ恬愪'$劘i_wp伬 >*靺8魂i&丩Y%\铝,楎謝視=瞩伭壵阱綔 r6f 提3储淭厥厰)橗:陋ZK誏玸ゅ&C 鏜兣軟0 [浪玴@注醏j扣7 媺耏咹唜Hi荤cT5A蕆跑@顢腍驇馴AZC硙i' RQ\m伕,zo,僩Q襲{Y\,Nψ/=溷ら嵿L _.跆嘫7C6韽-fS宄h62密"5咍麥罭H凾[X65太4X%Y龡豚殖2纅鷎h辈绅痠~tCKF#猥b +趙1m鑵4`眹!:U翞!昿5a:倊{4韒笫m蝘o 萎c杽8m泛D矹秔S枪姗豓1铘?#S奿?3E'pS2疳W`る甸q]( ┻08樲w别 n撏A鲺[s枃)k8皓= Aa?R d趻删c楿咏瞬d)#換ueb恾满捷C!ず&i0福>4魫S7鋥z虮 F箎 4sKvUKo瘸椒h垀1砵YU奥V蠬塔5U8錠k;譁潘鮈9堚寂皹D 荀 ?*|FL 迪鳡"A3兇伂>g类dm2iV值殍そ杕謌<殒r8[kv抶熞蠃p鎶sj,潩z伛礭[鑚堨叆Qv11縤u鈨-高0%M2羙J描3u舘%覎PK! 褠煻'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.rels剰M 0匃倃oo雍&輬协勪5 6?$Q祉 ,.嘺緳i粭澤c21h:闀q毩m胳嶡RN壻;d癭値o7g慘(M&$R(.1榬'J摐袏T鶂8V"&A然蠬鱱}狇|$絙{朠除8塯/]As賲(⑵锑#洩L蔥汉倪PK-!倞[Content_Types].xmlPK-!ブх6 +_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!mQtheme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! 褠煻' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK] .  r.X餞  # 咥臕@饞 0(  養 S  ?餒0(  Dc腯22669*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplaceB*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagscountry-region         Uw h麈種"^甹 勑剺^勑`剺﨩JQJo(佛劆剺^劆`剺﨩JQJ^Jo(o 刾剺p^刾`剺﨩JQJo(ю 凘 剺@ ^凘 `剺﨩JQJo(佛剺^`剺﨩JQJ^Jo(o 勦剺^勦`剺﨩JQJo(ю 劙剺^劙`剺﨩JQJo(佛剙剺^剙`剺﨩JQJ^Jo(o 凱剺P^凱`剺﨩JQJo(ю 勑剺勑`剺﨩JQJo(佛劆剺劆`剺﨩JQJ^Jo(o 刾剺刾`剺﨩JQJo(ю 凘 剺凘 `剺﨩JQJo(佛剺`剺﨩JQJ^Jo(o 勦剺勦`剺﨩JQJo(ю 劙剺劙`剺﨩JQJo(佛剙剺剙`剺﨩JQJ^Jo(o 凱剺凱`剺﨩JQJo(ю種"Uw                   Eu礧,4 \- 1U!];!^E$輘("<6[6: =K[絟[閁b窯c踒s臱{}223籹豊k8 Eh@ 焅3L <&Xu  @qx@Unknown G* Times New Roman5Symbol3. * Arial7.爗 @Calibri;媅SOSimSunKNC Estrangelo Edessa?= * Courier New;WingdingsA犽 BCambria Math"q鹦h''W  W !亖02HX  $P臱{2!xx keltnernaUser  鄥燆鵒h珣+'迟0p   , 8 DPX`h keltnerna Normal.dotmUser2Microsoft Office Word@F#@串E+!@串E+!W胀諟.摋+,0 hp  U.S. Department of State    Title !"#$%&'()*+,-./013456789;<=>?@ADRoot Entry F 壯F+!FData 1Table }#WordDocument4.SummaryInformation(2DocumentSummaryInformation8:CompObju  F#Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 文档 MSWordDocWord.Document.89瞦